Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Sound of the Sky Crawlers


Keren! inilah kata2 gue pertama kali pas nonton nih anime!Cerita soal perang dunia 2 ditahun '45an.. yang menggunakan pesawat tempur mustang dkk. [soal filmnya mungkin gue bakal bahas laen waktu yach]

Jadi, pas gue dah nonton abiz nih film... tau2 wa terkesima ma Ending Song nya!! bagus banget! jadi, gue catet deh terjemahan inggrisnya... soalnya lagunya dominan make bahasa jepang^^! so! Take a Look!

Sing to The Sky

At your bosom, as i listen to the gentle throbbing of your heart

Through my earmuffs, i find my only solace in this world

What i need.... now is you....

And in your comforting rhythm, i can find the safety of sleep

You made me..... what i am....

And that is why a simple happiness flourishes in me still

Held closely in your arms and enveloped tenderly in your perfume

I fell your love within me as reciprocate my feelings for you

What i need..... now is you....

As i know that there is no greater joy than this

You made me.... what i am....

And that is why nothing can trouble me, so long as you are with me

... Five years from this day, my love for you will continue to burn...

And although i can't snuggle up to that star you have become,

even tonight, i could still dream

What i need.... now is you....

Everyday... everynight i miss you

You made me.... what i am....

Everyday... everynight i missing...

It's you....

la la la laaaaaa.....

Everything it's you....

Because i know, unfailingly, that you are always by my side


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